I Am Cat
Not funny?
It could be by becoming familiar with I Am That.
Okay, maybe not. It's a bad joke. But the book is profound. Read it.
Labels: awareness, comedy, comic, consciousness, funny, humor, meditation, mind
"No problem can be solved by the same kind of thinking that created it." - Albert Einstein
"No learning is acquired by anyone unless he wants to learn it, and believes in some way that he needs it." - A Course in Miracles
The problem with having opinions & beliefs is that nobody can know the truth, or the next level of truth, as long as they think they already know the truth.
Labels: awareness, comedy, comic, consciousness, funny, humor, meditation, mind
Luv it…
Excellent :)
good job!
Oh wow, I have never thought of that before, but you're right. I would not be surprised if that's where they came up with the idea.
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