FrequenSea Hypnosis MP3's

Higher Truth

"No problem can be solved by the same kind of thinking that created it." - Albert Einstein

"No learning is acquired by anyone unless he wants to learn it, and believes in some way that he needs it." - A Course in Miracles

The problem with having opinions & beliefs is that nobody can know the truth, or the next level of truth, as long as they think they already know the truth.


The Healing Codes

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ode to The Evolving Cosmos Comic

Sunny Street Evolving Cosmos Comic

I enjoy reading comics on the website. While seeing this Sunny Street strip on May 06, 2013 I felt inspired to write a poem in the comments section. Click on the image to visit the original posting and to see the full size image.

Here's the poem...

For you cosmos
from which all flows
let us compose
not in prose
but with juxtapose
photos with van goghs
great beauty flows
from he who knows
divinity’s under his nose
I don’t suppose
man ever outgrows
the highs and lows
while life’s wind blows
to all I propose
that time will expose
the illusion of foes
and oneness of all those
that are in life’s throes

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