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Higher Truth

"No problem can be solved by the same kind of thinking that created it." - Albert Einstein

"No learning is acquired by anyone unless he wants to learn it, and believes in some way that he needs it." - A Course in Miracles

The problem with having opinions & beliefs is that nobody can know the truth, or the next level of truth, as long as they think they already know the truth.


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Saturday, May 20, 2017

Love All-Knowing - An Epic Spiritual Poem

So I wrote a book. Sort of. It largely wrote itself in a state of surrender and out of love for mankind. It took on a life of its own right from the beginning and it feels kind of awkward putting my name on it, but for the sake of social conventions, the label of "Jarett Sabirsh" attached to this physical body is on the cover of the book.

Love All-Knowing -An Epic Spiritual Poem by Jarett Sabirsh

Once read it'll be understood that it's one of the most important spiritual books ever written. A bold claim, maybe, but it is what it is. It might take a 100 years to catch on but it'll eventually go down in history alongside Dante's Divine Comedy, the Tao te Ching, The Art of War, Rumi's poetry, the Bhagavad Gita, the Dhammapada, and all such other similar type texts. Love All-Knowing defies classification and integrates many different topics and themes into one cohesive unit with the intention of alleviating mankind's suffering in all its various forms; physical, mental, emotional, psychological, philosophical, theological, religious, societal, scientific, and especially spiritual.

To offer a small glimpse into what the books entails a "Highly Abridged Remix Version" was made and can be read on the main page of the website or in this video.

Until the book gets fully published in paperback the full-length poem is available as a free downloadable PDF eBook from the website!


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